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About Us

Loctated: Kitchener/Waterloo & Toronto, Canada
"Making the Change For Pakistan" is a fund raising relief campaign for the Pakistan flood victims that strives to raise awareness, raise funds and aims make a difference for the millions of flood-stricken victims. We share the voluntary relief experiences of Motorsports Club of Pakistan(MCP) who have adopted the neglected camps in Sindh, Pakistan. Our campaign will continue to collect funds for the next 4 months. All (100%) of the proceeds and donations go towards the camp relief projects such as purchasing food items in ration bags, purchasing medical supplies, rebuilding shelter and providing clean water.

M.C.P Flood Relief Social Commitment
Short Term: Save lives by providing food ration bags to the displaced families in the neglected camps, and giving them access to clean water.
Long Term: Rebuild homes for displaced families and providing educational opportunities for children.


Contact Us For Immediate Donations

Method of Payment:
Bank money transfers, Paypal and other arrangements.
Please contact the following people for arranging a contribution or for volunteering inquiries.

Personal Donations Collected By:
Arooba Khan (Founder of "Making that Change" Campaign and Coordinator)
Wilfrid Laurier University

On-Campus Donation Inquiries & Volunteering Inquiries
Sohaib Qureshi
University of Waterloo Campus

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Making That Change - Meausuring Damages

  • M.C.P has decided to construct a long term strategic plan according to the damages. Our strategic plan will be posted shortly. Recently, our relief team went to Sajawal to visit the people from our Dhabeji Camps. They have recently returned to their homes and villages. Around 70% of refugees from these camps have returned home and the remainder will follow in the coming days
  • Significant amount of work needs to be done concerning the long term development plans
  • Personal Donations - $568.00

Friday, October 1, 2010

Making That Change - Our Weekly Distribution Schedule

Current conditions in Dhabeji, Sindh, Pakistan

M.C.P Flood Relief Camp temporary set up

Food ration bags ready to be distributed
400 Kilograms of Vegetables, 200 packets inside and 2 Kilograms for each famiy

Ration bag distribution begins as soon as I.D cards are stamped
Ration bag distribution continues while being heavily monitored
Second distribution of vegetable packages (2 Kilograms)
Thanks to Syed Ghazanfar Agha and Omer Mateen for coordinating this

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Making That Change - Recent Updates

Just a start from 1 week!
  • WLUMSA Campus Club - 60$
  • Personal Donations - 400$

In the next 4 months, there will be more fund raising campaigns. 

Updates from M.C.P's project
Toys and candies being distributed to children in camps Dhabeji, Sindh, Pakistan.

A young boy anxiously opening his gift
  • M.C.P has recently started to construct their strategic plan of long term development for the flood victims in Pakistan.More information concerning this project will be updated on our website soon.
  • Recently, M.C.P has also distributed toys to children in Dhabeji, Sindh, Pakistan camps for Eid (A special holiday celebrated in Pakistan). All of these toys  were donated to these children.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Making That Change - M.C.P's Relief Campaign Schedule

  • Dadu, Sindh, Team - Distribution of 1000 bags of ration in two truck
  • One truck with 600 bags to naushero feroz
  • Two trucks with 1000 bags to sukkur/ gotki area….
  • One truck to shikarpur with 600 bags to our cam 
  • In shikarpur all registrations were done and identity cards were issued to each head of family
  • Total 200 families were registered and are being supported, total number of adults and children are 1200 in this camp. Each family was given one bag of dry ration which will last a week.
Distribution at each destination was supervised by 2-3 members of our group and by officers

  • One truck with 500 bags went to Sakrand
  • One truck with 500 bags to Sujawal
  • One team went went to shikarpur to give the weeks ration
  • 105 Daigs of cooked food were distributed in thatta/sujawal over two days
  • Adopted another camp consisting of a cluster of 5 schools in dhabeji having 900 people
  • Team went to shikarpur, new clothes were given to every child, women and men, medical camp was established for a period of one month for 4 hours every day.. as usual milk was given to every child under the age of 5
  • Team went to Jacobabad with ration bags
  • Team was in Qambar with 500 bags of ration
  • Same team came to shahdadkot today with another truck of 500 bags
  • Team is going to shikarpur for this weeks ration, along with toys and sweets for the children…
  • Team is going to dhabeji camp to distribute ration bags, sweets, utensils, towels, soaps and toys

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Making That Change - Art Therapy For Children in Dhabeji, Sindh Pakistan

Click on the slideshow to see the full online web album for this event. 
Flood Relief Activities in Shikarpor, Sindh, Pakistan

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Making That Change - Trip to Kashmore, Sindh by M.C.P

Here's The Story 

* Aug 14 Two Phase Mission: To conduct a survey the area to determine the most neglected area where instant relief is needed, and to establish contacts with local administration and security forces so that their help can be enlisted for our next round of relief work.
Difficulties with swimming to get across due to the heavy flood
Displacement camps set up outside Kashmore

* We focused on Kashmore district because it being neglected by private donors and the local administration did not have enough sources to provide food to ALL the IDPS (Internally displaced persons).

* 1800 ration bags were a drop in the ocean compared to what was needed out there, but we knew each bag delivered there would make a difference as people out there were truly destitute. Ration packs were delivered in schools set up as IDP camps and also to IDPS settled on the outskirts of Kashmore city

Distribution of large food packages
Putting a smile!

* Each ration pack had enough food to feed a family of 5 to 7 for a minimum of 7 days. In addition to our Shikarpur trip, we identified a school housing 1000 or so IDPS in most horrible living conditions. With help of local administration we decided to "adopt" this school named Govt High School # 2, whereby we would be responsible for food and hygiene of the inhabitants while local administration would look after their medical needs. However if for any reason the local administration fail in looking after their medical needs then MCP Flood Relief drive will arrange a medical camp in School # 4.

Govt School
ID Tags to avoid duplication
* A system of ID cards has been placed to ensure that there is no duplication of distribution of any item to any one person. On Emergency basis we have employed sweepers, provided soaps and other hygiene products, water coolers, hand fans and milk for children.

* Rations packs to School # 4, will be delivered by an MCP team over the weekend as we felt that the food being provided by the city government was inadequate. The management of the school # 4 will be with MCP using local administration + Pakistan Rangers for monitoring of over all cleanliness and water supply. School #4 will be under MCP management for a duration of 4 to 12 weeks depending on how soon the IDPS can leave.

* MCP will be sending more relief and helping others in distributing their goods with relief pakcs. Three teams will leave Karachi for Dadu, Noshero Feroz and Sukker/ Shikarpur.The Sukker / Shikarpur team's goal is to provide further relief to school # 4 and to establish systems and controls for its management, while Dadu and Noshero feroz teams will be distributing ration packs only.

A Glimpse of Hope

Making a difference!
Our work has just begun, from what we have seen a lot more needs to be done over next 2 to 3 months. 

TEAM MCP looks forward
to your continued support